Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My favourite piece of technology

My very favourite technological piece is my Sony MP4. It's a small pendrive with a screen and two gigabyte capacity. Its colour is white and now it carries black headphones.

I got it last year when my old MP4 failled, so the technic service changed it for the current one.

I use it for keeping my favourite songs and also some pictures about my pets.

I use my MP4 everyday and everywhere, because I love to listen music in everymoment of my life that I can. Because of this, I'm constantly changing the playlist, but there are some songs that always will be inside, because they are a piece of my life.

So, I love this MP4, because I can't live without music. I think my life would be a very sad life if I haven't got my MP4 or another one, because the really important thing for me is the music.


  1. Hi Ruben, I like too much your mp3, It's so modern and comfortable.
    Regards =)

  2. Hello Ruben
    I like your Mp4
    and I also agree of music
    I don't think I can live without it
    take care

  3. Hi!!
    Wow! I have the exact same mp4 but in black, and it's the best!! I keep it full of songs, and really I always need more space to upload more songs :P
    It's so great to use it while travelling, it makes the trips to University shorter!!!

    See you!!

  4. Hello, I like to listen to music too, but I use my cell phone for that, it has double use.
    I like music very much too, I have lots of songs.

    See you in class


  5. Ohh..
    is very nice, I like to listen to music, I don't know why I don't have one :S well, it must be because now use this time to study when I go on the subway or in the bus =(

    regards ^^

  6. I agree with you because I like the music too, so I think that a MP4 is an important part of my day.

    See you in class!
