September 2011: Overcome the sadness to have a great chilean party!
It was a Friday evening when all chilean people put attention at the T.V., radio or social networks, because a horrifying news was present in all of them. An airplane had disappeared in Juán Fernández archipelago and probably crashed on the sea. The most shocking was to know that 21 persons were in the plane and some of they was very popular and loved by chileans people, who went to help Robinson Crusoe island inhabitants. Later, after some hope days, we all knew the 21 were dead and that news overjoyed of sadness our country.

However, some days later, chilean people could recover from this tragedy and get over celebrating the most important national festivity. The fateful event was quickly forgotten and everyone turned to enjoy the long weekend, eating and drinking whatever and wherever you went. People didn’t care about the imminent economic crisis that the government announced, they only wanted to enjoy those days like no other September eighteen festivity and try to forget their problems just for a little while. Everywhere you went you could find happiness, wanting that feeling could last for the rest of the year.
So, making a balance, I think this month was a great month for most of the chilean people, who could overcome the sadness and enjoy for few days.